3. Shield volcanoes.

Mount Kilauea, in Hawaii.

These volcanoes can form during single long-term effusive eruptions. Shield volcanoes are built almost entirely of highly fluid basaltic lava.

They are distinct from the two other major volcanic types, stratovolcanoes, which are driven by the accumulation of more viscous lavas, and cinder cones, which are built up by the consolidation of tephra ejected by explosive eruptions. It has been erupting since 1982, and it is a shield volcano. These little bits of lava are referred to as tephra, and after they land they rapidly cool at the volcano’s vent, meaning that a crater builds up at the summit of the volcano over time.Cinder cone volc… Here are 4 of the volcanoes that comprise the big island of Hawai'i. The classic examples of shield volcanoes are the massive volcanoes on the Hawaiian Islands.
From base below sea level to its summit, it’s also the tallest mountain in the world. When cinder cone volcanoes erupt, they send bits of lava into the air. Cinder cone volcanoes are the most common out of all the different volcanoes in the world.
FERNANDINA ISLAND: Fernandina Island is an active shield volcano in the Galapagos Islands. The two types of volcano form in different places and have very different characteristics. It has been erupting since 1982, and it is a shield volcano. Examples of shield volcanoes include: MAUNA LOA: Mauna Loa in Hawaii is the world’s largest active shield volcano.

Shield volcanoes have the following characteristics: Mount Kilauea, in Hawaii. There are two main types of volcano - composite and shield.

The classic examples of shield volcanoes are the massive volcanoes on the Hawaiian Islands.

Examples of shield volcanoes are Kilauea and Mauna Loa (and their Hawaiian friends), Fernandina (and its Galápagos friends), Karthala, Erta Ale, Tolbachik, Masaya, and many others.

Shield volcanoes are found on divergent plate boundaries, where two plates move away from one another.

They are also what people usually think of when they hear the word “volcano”. They have a short cone shape, and have basaltic lava which means the lava has low viscosity (viscosity is a measure of the ability for a liquid to flow) Examples of Shield Volcanoes: Shield volcanoes can vary widely in size, and much smaller Icelandic-type shield volcanoes are common in many volcanic regions. This list of shield volcanoes includes active, dormant and extinct shield volcanoes.Shield Volcanoes are one of the three types of volcanoes.

Shield areas may be extensive, depending on the nature of the terrain, and the fluidity of the lava, (on Earth, commonly basalt) which may flow for large distances from the vents. They are Mauna Kea (MK), Mauna Loa (ML), Hualalai (H), and Kohala (K).

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