The new rebel army is called M23, after the date the former peace deal was signed—March 23, 2009. A 32-year-old woman told Human Rights Watch that the M23 fighters broke down their door, beat her 15-year-old son to death, and abducted her husband. The Virunga park, which employs park rangers from the Congolese Institute for the Conservation of Nature, has seen a dramatic increase in the presence of armed militias since the civil war outbreak in May this year.

Heavy fighting has taken place between government and rebel forces in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Congolese soldiers celebrate their victory over foreign backed M23 rebels. Runiga had earlier announced plans to resume fighting against the DR Congo's army because peace talks in the Ugandan capital Kampala between the rebels and the Kinshasa government were getting nowhere. The rebels have taken over two major towns in The status of Virunga National Park's mountain gorillas remains unknown as rebels continue to occupy the park's gorilla sector. Virunga National Park in the Democratic Republic of Congo is home to 200 endangered mountain gorillas, about a quarter of the world's total. Many groups are backed by countries such as Rwanda and Uganda, and are given guns and other supplies in exchange for coal, wood, and skin from inside Virunga. Congolese woman: Talking about my life, I live with all of my twelve children.

Over the following days, the M23 gained ground, capturing villages surrounding the city of Goma, and pushing the Congolese military back. However, all my twelve children are schooled and they each earned their diploma. Just after midnight on July 7, 2012, M23 fighters attacked a family in the village of Chengerero. Virunga is now a battle ground between the Congolese Army and the rebels, with M23 holding large sections of the park. The film includes some very scary sequences when the M23 rebels overtake the park, and we worry about what will happen to the rangers and the animals they are protecting.
VIRUNGA HEARTLAND, November 16, 2012 -- This past May, the rebel group known as M23 entered the Mikeno Sector of Democratic Republic of Congo's (DRC's) Virunga …

The Buffett Foundation financed Virunga, so I can’t help but wonder whether that’s why it identifies M23 as a “rebel militia,” not as what it was—a militia of Rwandan invaders commanded by Rwanda’s top military officers and thus by Kagame himself. Video filmed at Virunga National Park headquarters captures the day (8 Oct 2008) when Laurent's Nkunda's CNDP rebels overtook the national FARDC … Several rangers have been tragically killed so far in the conflict, and regular monitoring of the gorilla families has ceased. It has become increasingly evident that the rebel forces like the M23 rebels — an extension of the extremist group responsible for the 1994 genocidal massacre of 800,000 Hutus in Rwanda — are being funded by the illicit wildlife trade (especially that of ivory).
With Virunga on the edge of both the Congolese border and rebel-held territory, there are a number of scenes of M23 members in daily life. Congo M23 Rebels Tell Their Story. Over the following days, the M23 gained ground, capturing villages surrounding the …

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