Salak treat indigestion stomach. 0. Ce palmier appartient à la famille des Arecacées et son nom botanique est Salacca zalacca. Pinterest. Health Benefits of Snake Fruit (Salak) By. Snake fruit is called that way because its peel resembles snake scales. Calories from Fat 3.6 Kcal.

The most important health benefits of salak fruit include its ability to boost vision health, strengthen cognition, optimize digestion, increase  energy, aid weight loss efforts and regulate  blood   sugar  levels for diabetic patients. Salak or Snake Fruit contains lots of Beta-Carotene which is a powerful antioxidant and works well to prevent cardiovascular disease, strokes, and even cancer. It provides a significant precursor for vitamin A that mainly benefits the health of our eye.
Snake fruit or Salak is a sweet tasting incredible tropical fruit that is popular across Southeast Asia. Salak fruit consist of nutrition just like Protein, Beta-Carotene, Vitamin-C, Dietary fiber, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus and Carbohydrates which are great for overall health. Salak fruit consist of nutrition just like Protein, Beta-Carotene, Vitamin-C, Dietary fiber, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus and Carbohydrates which are great for overall health. The key nutrients in the salak fruit include iron, phosphorous, calcium, fats, carbohydrates, vitamin B, and vitamin C. Salak contains at least five times more beta-carotene than that contained in most fruits. Twitter.

Salak fruit contain other nutrients such as Protein, Carbohydrates, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Carotene, and Thiamine that are good for body health. Salak fruit consist of nutrition just like Protein, Beta-Carotene, Vitamin-C, Dietary fiber, Iron, Calcium, Phosphorus and Carbohydrates which are great for overall health.

The benefits of salak fruit for health also affect the brain. Salak fruit is considered quite beneficial as eye medication. 2. The fruits grow in clusters at the bottom of the palm, and also are called snake fruit because of the reddish-brown scaly skin. Josephine Mills - September 28, 2017. It has a wide array of varieties that are all very delicious and juicy. The salak fruit is of high nutritive value. It has an effective antioxidant effect that helps clean the body of free radicals that otherwise result in cell damage. However, there is no need to run away from this exotic fruit that’s native to Sumatra and Java in Indonesia. Proximity Amount % DV Water 86.4 g N/D Energy 368 Kcal N/D The inside is sweet, sometimes sour like a pineapple and juicy. That is why salak has health benefits for human body.

Même si son origine reste inconnue, ce palmier est une espèce typique de l'Asie du Sud-Est. 810. Health benefits of Salak.

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