The Ordnungspolizei , abbreviated Orpo, meaning "Order Police", were the uniformed police force in Nazi Germany from 1936 to 1945. Ordnungspolizei (Orpo) ranks were based on local police titles and were considered a separate system from the ranks of the SS.It was also possible for Orpo members to hold dual status in both the Orpo and the SS, meaning that two ranks could be held simultaneously. Daluege was also the only German Police General to hold the rank of Generaloberst der Polizei. Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler was named Chef der Deutschen Polizei im Reichsministerium des Innern (Chief of German Police in the Interior Ministry) on 17 June 1936 after Hitler announced a decree which was to \"unify the control of police duties in the Reich\". They became an integral part of the SS and police bureaucracy in Nazi Germany and were key participants in the conduct of mass murder and atrocities in the occupied areas under German control during World War Par un décret du Führer du 17 juin 1936, Heinrich Himmler, Reichsführer SS, est nommé chef de la police allemande au sein du ministère de l'intérieur du Reich. The Orpo was controlled, nominally by the Interior Ministry but executively by the leadership of the SS until the end of World War II. Ordnungspolizei rank titles Edit. Le premier décret publié par le RFSS et chef de la police allemande en date du 26 juin 1936 précise la nouvelle organisation de la police qui distingue lOrdnungspolizei (Orpo police régulière) de la Sicherheitspolizei (Sipo ou police de sécurité). There are hundreds of original documents which list Himmler's title as "Reichsfuhrer-SS und Chef der Deutschen Polizei". Probably the best document from Heydrich and Himmler ever found or offered. Reichsführer-SS Heinrich Himmler was named Chef der Deutschen Polizei im Reichsministerium des Innern (Chief of German Police in the Interior Ministry) on 17 June 1936 after Hitler announced a decree which was to \"unify the control of police duties in the Reich\". The Orpo organisation was absorbed into the Nazi monopoly on power after regional police jurisdiction was removed in favour of the central Nazi government ("Reich-ification", Verreichlichung, of the police). In this role, Himmler was nominally subordinate to Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick. Cette décision place l'ensemble des forces de la police allemande du IIIe Reich sous lautorité du chef de la SS.

Daluege was Chief of the Order Police. Himmler was Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police. Ordnungspolizei rank titles. Ordnungspolizei (Orpo) ranks were based on local police titles and were considered a separate system from the ranks of the SS.It was also possible for Orpo members to hold dual status in both the Orpo and the SS, meaning that two ranks could be held simultaneously. LOrpo assu… It is addressed to the Reichsfuhrer SS and Chef Der Deutschen Polizei.

It is addressed from ‘The chef der Sicherheitspolizei und des SD’ who of course is none other than Reinhard Heydrich with address in Berlin at the Prinz-Albrectstrasse. In this role, Himmler was nominally subordinate to Interior Minister Wilhelm Frick.

Ordnungspolizei, (German: “Order Police”) uniformed police agencies of the Third Reich. Traditionally, law enforcement in Germany had been a state and local matter. Traditionally, law enforcement in Germany had been a state and local matter.
Owing to their green uniforms, Orpo were also re…

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