Die Mehrzahl der Bewohner ist dem Volk der Fante zugehörig, deren gleichnamiger Dialek… In the 15th century the Portuguese established a post on the site, and in the 16th century Cape Coast, town in the centre of the seaboard of Ghana. The castle at Cape Coast was a market where these transactions took place. It lies on a low promontory jutting into the Gulf of Guinea of the Atlantic Ocean about 75 miles (120 km) southwest of the Ghanaian capital of Accra. The University of Cape Coast was established in October, 1962 as a University College and placed in a special relationship with the University of Ghana, Legon. The large quantity of gold dust found in Ghana was what primarily attracted Europe, and many natives of Cape Coast used this to their advantage. In 1650, the Swedes built a lodge that would later become the better known Cape Coast Castle, which is now a World Heritage Site. In exchange for gold, mahogany, their own people and other local items, the natives received clothing, blankets, spices, sugar, silk and many other items.

Most of the modern town expanded around it. Cape Coast was founded by the people of Oguaa and the region ruled over by the paramount chief, or Omanhene, is known today as Oguaa Traditional Area. The Dutch took it over in 1650 and expanded it in 1652. Later the Portuguese colonists built a trading fort in the area In 1650 to continue their mining and commerce. Here are some of …

It was then captured b… Today the Castle is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site. Der heute übliche, englische Name der Stadt ist eine Verballhornung der ursprünglichen portugiesischen Bezeichnung Cabo Corso (kurzes Kap). Portuguese colonists built a trading fort in the area. Since its initial construction in 1652, the Castle served as a trading post for European nations and as the headquarters of British colonial administration for the Gold Coast Colony.

Cape Coast Castle is a European-built fortress situated on the central coastline of Ghana. Due to this, m… Cape Coast is located in Ghana’s Central Region, and thanks to its time as a trading post, the location where many slaves were held before being shipped to the Americas, and its colonial history, it is an important focal point of pan-African history. It analyses the pre-history of Ghana and traces the immigration and settlement of the various people as well as their economic, social and political institutions. Cape Coast is one of the most historical cities in Ghana. Over the next ten years, the Swedes, Danish and Dutch vied for control of the trading post. At the time enslaved Africans were a valuable commodity in the Americas and elsewhere, and slaves were the main trade in Cape Coast. It also examines the relations between the various peoples, the factors that motivated European exploration of the West African Coast and the consequences of the interaction. Elmina and Saltpond was the busiest port city at first and later the Portuguese shifted it to Cabo Corso ( Portuguese) which later in English became Cape Coast and Oguaa (a local name for Cape Coast literally means market), Cape Coast are predominantly fisher-folks/ seafarers and a farming community. Der ghanaische Name der Stadt, Oguaa, bedeutet Markt und ihr Stadtwappen zeigt eine Krabbe. History of Cape Coast Castle The fort at Cape Coast was founded in 1653 by the Swedes, initially for the gold and timber trade. Cape Coast ist die Hauptstadt der Central Region und des Cape Coast Municipal Districts von Ghana. Die Stadt liegt direkt am Golf von Guinea und hat 169.894 Einwohner (Stand 2010)[1]. Ultimately, it landed in the hands of the Dutch.

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