It can range from 5 – 15. Be Specific. Examine any explicit shared values of the organization to which your team belongs. Effective people recognize these environmental influences and identify and develop a clear, concise, and meaningful set of values/beliefs, and priorities. A good way of starting to do this is to look back on your life – to identify when you felt really good, and really confident that you were making good choices. Steps to develop shared values To develop your team’s shared values, follow these steps: 1. To be effective, the team leader cannot identify team values and simply announce or publish them. Good teams also meet regularly to discuss progress, and also take time out to reflect on their processes, and how they inter connect as people.Team values can effectively provide a team’s minimum standard of acceptable behaviour and performance on the job.


When you define your personal values, you discover what's truly important to you. Purpose: To understand the role of values in an organization; To create a set of common values that everyone in the team can identify with; Team Size: Dependent on the key decision makers or management of the team. Assemble a group of ten to twelve volunteers (or your whole team if it is small enough) willing to help draft your team’s shared values. Teams typically spend a lot of time on planning, linking team goals to the Department and/or the organisations vision and plan. It is only through conversation that your team will get clear about what the values mean and how they can be applied to improve team effectiveness. 3. A value like “shared responsibility” can mean different things to different people. They form the foundation for your decision making and your relationships with other humans. Defining Your Values. This activity will seek to discover the group’s corporate values through discussion and open sharing.

Team values. Once defined, values have an impact on every aspect of your life.

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