The Ottomans primary objective was to regain the territory in Eastern Anatolia it'd lost in the Russo-Turkish War of 1878. The Ottoman Empire made a formal alliance with Germany signed on 2 August 1914. The 9th article of the German Military Mission stated that in case of a war the contract would be annulled. Surviving Imperial Russia War Goals For WW1 and Likelihood. Enver Pasha himself had some more grandiose secondary goals if the war was won, specifically removing Caucasia, Central Asia and India from European influence and building an alliance and cooperative system between the to be created Turkic states. On 4 August 1914, in his first speech after the declaration of war, Raymond Poincaré, president of the French Republic, did not outline any aims other than the ''Union sacrée'' (sacred union) and the defence of the country’s borders. When Britain entered the First World War its war aims were simple: to restore Belgian sovereignty (as it was obliged to do, by the Treaty of London, 1839), and to maintain the balance of power in Europe by defending France and chastening Germany. Germany considered an Ottoman-Russian war to be imminent, and Liman von Sanders was a general with excellent knowledge of the Russian armed forces. ::What if the Russian empire succeeded their objectives and aims in WW1, and how the world look post WW1?

The Ottoman entry into World War I began on 29 October 1914 when it launched the Black Sea Raid against Russian ports.

Britain’s permanent war aims did not change. The Ottoman Army was reorganized along modern Western European lines during the Tanzimat modernization period and functioned during the decline and dissolution period that is roughly between 1861 (though as a unit First Army dates 1842) and 1918, end of World War I for the Ottomans.The last reorganization occurred during the Second Constitutional Era. I would like to explain the Ottoman Empire's military goals during WWI. The political leaders created monopolies for importing and distributing scarce commodities, which created conditions for war profiteering and further depleted the economy. The decision of the Ottoman authorities to participate in the first world war (WW1) is considered by most to constitute the final nail in the coffin of Ottoman Caliphate. What were the Ottoman Empire's goals in WW1? Once the hopes for a short war had been dispelled, it was necessary for France to define more precise war aims.
The Ottoman Empire was undecided about which side to take in a future war involving Germany, Britain and France. The military goals of the Ottoman Empire varied throughout its long history. Enver Pasha – Main leader of the Ottoman Empire in WW1.

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