To better understand why the Pilgrims left England to come to America, it may be helpful to briefly review the religious landscape of the time.

The Pilgrims, fleeing religious persecution, broke away from the Church of England because they felt the Church violated biblical principles of true Christians. - In search of religious freedom, they immigrated to the Americas. The Pilgrims did not want to belong to the Church of England. When they arrived in the New World, there was no one to meet them. Pilgrims: A small group of people arrived in the New World from England on a ship named the Mayflower.

The Pilgrims, who journeyed to America in search of religious freedom, remind us that the right to practice our Catholic faith cannot simply be taken for granted. They were seeking religious freedom.

They landed at Plymouth Rock, Massachusetts. They immigrated to North America on the Mayflower in 1620. It was this morning that I began thinking and contemplating on what the beliefs of the Pilgrims were and where did they fit in Daniel’s timeline of end time prophecy. They were seeking religious freedom from the Church of England. The Pilgrim's Religious Beliefs Background: • John Robinson’s (a Pilgrim pastor) writings give insight into the Pilgrim’s religious beliefs. It had much to do with the religious beliefs that were so precious to them; they were willing to face death and uncertainty in a strange New World to live those beliefs out.

World-Changing Reformation However, the Separatists also known as the Pilgrims …

Puritan Religious Beliefs - Based on the teachings of Calvinism, founded by John Calvin.

What they found was a foot of snow on the ground, and a dense forest of trees along the shore. Pilgrims: The Escape of Courageous People The Pilgrims were English Separatists who founded Plymouth Colony in 1620. The Pilgrims did not want to belong to the Church of England. • The Pilgrims were part of the Separatist movement • Many of the Pilgrim’s beliefs can be traced back to Calvinism Predestination: • - In their perspective, God - They were persecuted by the Church of England. The study – which included tests on pilgrims taking part in the famous Camino de Santiago and a brain stimulation experiment – found no link between intuitive/analytical thinking, or cognitive inhibition (an ability to suppress unwanted thoughts and actions), and supernatural beliefs. - The Puritans were a branch of separatists. Back in England, everyone had to belong to the Church of England.

Pilgrims and Puritans came specifically to practice religious beliefs freely and to spread the gospel. In the 1500s England broke away from the Roman Catholic Church and formed its own church called the Church of England. There were only 102 people - men, women, and children - aboard the Mayflower. "Pilgrim" means a person who takes a long journey, usually for a religious or moral purpose; "Pilgrim" also is the popular term for all passengers of the Mayflower who sought religious freedom and who arrived in Plymouth in the 1620s. Of course, we all understand that in 1492, Columbus Sailed the Ocean Blue…and he supposedly discovered America. The Pilgrims were Puritans who escaped to Holland as political exiles in 1608. Pilgrims.

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