Prague Spring was allowed by communist party which was losing a control over the country.

In January 1968, Alexander Dubček, a liberal communist, gained power and initiated reforms intended to create “socialism with a human face”. The capital, Berlin, was also split into four zones.
The Prague Spring (Czech language: Pražské jaro, Slovak language: Pražská jar) was a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia during the era of its domination by the Soviet Union after World War II.

Citizens began to challenge …

He lived in USSR for some point the life, and was a Rusophil. The Prague Spring was a period of political liberalization in Czechoslovakia during the era of its domination by the Soviet Union after World War II. While Dubček remained loyal to Moscow and Communism, he wanted Czechoslovakia to embark on its own individual path while maintaining a socialist government. In 1945, the Allies decided to split Germany into four zones of occupation.

The first anti-government demonstrations occurred in 1988 (the Candle Demonstration, for example) and 1989, but these were dispersed and participants were repressed by the police. From 1945, Czechoslovakia was subject to the hard-line communist policies of the Soviet Union.

On the night of August 20, 1968, approximately 200,000 Warsaw Pact troops and 5,000 tanks invade Czechoslovakia to crush the “Prague Spring”—a brief period of Implementing reforms during the Prague Spring. By the late 1980s, discontent with living standards and economic inadequacy gave way to popular support for economic reform. Speaking about the Prague Spring of 1968 was taboo. Dubcek wanted to reform the country a bit, but he never intended to go far, nor he wanted to oppose USSR. Summary of the Berlin crisis How Germany was divided in 1945. Czechoslovak leadership was also disunited and there was violent power struggle between reformists and conservatives.
This is a very important part of our history and of the history of the communist era in its most western country. In 1979, the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan to try propping up the communist government there, which was being attacked by Muslim Mujaheddin fighters. Prague Spring (1968) Short-lived political and social reorganization in Czechoslovakia.

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