The two nuclear testing grounds that France used in the Sahara desert in Algeria for its first atomic bombs in the 1960s. Am 1.

Die Folge war eine weiträumige Kontamination der Sahara mit Plutonium. In den Jahren 1960 und 1961 führte das französische Militär in der Nähe von Reggane vier oberirdische Atomwaffentests durch. Nuclear weapons testing is the act of experimentally and deliberately firing one or more nuclear devices in a controlled manner pursuant to a military, scientific or technological goal. Großbritannien. Reggane liegt an der Nationalstraße 6, einer wichtigen Nord-Süd-Route und Verbindung nach Mali. MIT Press, Cambridge 1995, ISBN 0-262-13307-5.

Arjun Makhijani et al.

In: Science … J. Skorve: The environment of the nuclear test sites on Novaya Zemlya. To the east of Reggane there was until 1965 a rocket launching site where numerous civilian and military ballistic rockets were launched. The very first of France's A-bombs, code-named Gerboise Bleue, was detonated at the CSEM, Centre Saharien d'Expérimentations Militaires ('Saharan Military Experiments Center'), near Reggane on 13 February 1960 – right in the middle of the Algerian War (cf. Berber tribes and people live in and around Reggane. France began its nuclear testing program in the vicinity of Reggane, conducting four such tests during the Algerian War in 1960 and 1961, before independence.. Geography. Soldaten, Arbeiter und lokale Tuareg Stämme waren dem radioaktiven Fallout ausgesetzt und leiden seitdem unter gesundheitlichen Langzeitfolgen wie Krebserkrankungen, Unfruchtbarkeit und genetisc : Nuclear wastelands - a global guide to nuclear weapons production and its health and environmental effects.

Poster PDF (Download) Photo: The outskirts of Reggane. The French army conducted four atmospheric nuclear tests near Reggane, Algeria in 1960 and 1961, contaminating the Sahara desert with plutonium, exposing soldiers, workers and local Tuareg to radioactive fallout, and causing long-term health effects like cancer, infertility and genetic mutations.

April 1960, 27. Das Nevada Test Site der National Nuclear Security Administration war lange Zeit stillgelegt; ... Insgesamt wurden siebzehn Französische Kernwaffentests in Algerien durchgeführt, davon vier oberirdisch (in Reggane) und dreizehn unterirdisch (in In Ekker).

Die übrigen Atombombentests fanden in Französisch-Polynesien statt. Dezember 1960 und 25. Reggane (from Berber "Argan"; Arabic: رقان ‎) is a town and commune, and the capital of Reggane District, in Adrar Province, central Algeria.Reggane lies in the Sahara Desert near an oasis.According to the 2008 census it has a population of 20,402, up from 14,179 in 1998, with an annual growth rate of 3.8%.

Die gezündete 70-kT-Atombombe war etwa 4-mal so stark wie die Hiroshima-Bombe; der Test erhielt den Namen Gerboise bleue (nach einer in der Region vorkommenden Springmaus). History.

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