Titi Gulley cause of death – dead, obituary, funeral plans: Sad news that Titi Gulley was found hung dead on a tree according to police report, on May 27, 2020. You’ve probably noticed that detractors often use the same “racist talking points” in response. But due to negligent policing and, apparently, lack of public interest, the family hasn’t seen justice, let alone the autopsy. After homeless black trans women was found hanging from a tree in Portland, Oregon on May 27, family disagrees. But due to negligent policing and, apparently, lack of public interest, the family hasn’t seen justice, let alone the autopsy.

Someone even allegedly has a video. He had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. We’re the public. “Police will not investigate due to lack of public interest” What the actual FUCK Jun 19, 2020 kingofthehilltoday: If you see posts about a “man being hanged in Oregon” correct that shit. SHE was a trans woman. A WOMAN. The suicide rate for transgenders, according Police will not investigate due to “lack of public interest” and ruled her death a suicide. –TeTe Otis Gulley was a black, transgender homeless person who was found hanging from a tree in a park on May 27. Tete Gulley was found hanging from a tree in Rocky Butte Park in PORTLAND OR, in May of 2019. They are known for being inept (testimony from former employee), but flooding the office with forms calling for justice for Gulley’s family is verifiable evidence of public interest in an investigation. We’re all having “hard conversations” about racism, police brutality, and #BlackLivesMatter I hope. Let’s show our interest. Here is the petition They have a form you can fill out here: Here’s a researched and sourced guide Here is the petition We’re the public. Let’s show our interest. Our hearts break for the grieving family, friends and loved With little to no investigation, and against all claims and evidence presented by her family and friends, PPD ruled her death a suicide.

Someone even allegedly has a video.

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