But think about it from Logan's perspective: that's Transigen's Chief of Security. By Hugh Armitage. This sacrifice sees Caliban’s arc conclude, with one last moment of development, another trait of his character is highlighted, his bravery. Why Caliban From Logan Looks So Familiar. It's kind of crazy, because technically the Logan in Logan is the same OG one we met in the original X-Men (at least in terms of consciousness), but Prof X is the altered timeline version of himself. When it comes to the X-Men franchise, one can never be too sure. Why Logan's Caliban was so different from X-Men: Apocalypse's version. 13/03/2017 @mang0ld Twitter. Last weekend, Logan arrived in theaters and delivered a powerful final turn for Hugh Jackman‘s Wolverine. In the first and supernatural character, Caliban serves as a foil to the heavenly spirit, Ariel. So he sent caliban to do it remotely, and then Caliban failed, because plot. Stephen Merchant will not be denied. Putting the Apocalypse Caliban aside, it's impossible to know whether or not Logan's Caliban is good or bad. by Cindy Elliott September 13, 2017, 2:08 am 66.5k Views. So Caliban's appearance in both Apocalypse and Logan was a complete coincidence (that honestly It doesn't completely ruin the X-Men timeline — Logan's Caliban's past isn't addressed, so it's not.. Caliban is a mutant played by Stephen Merchant in the Logan (wolverine) movie. Movie Madness, Why Caliban From Logan Looks So Familiar. Hence, he is deformed. Significance of Caliban in Shakespeare's The Tempest Caliban embodies three ideas, first, the supernatural as he is born of the union of a witch and the devil. As Logan’s story progresses and the plot becomes incredibly Wolverine heavy, Caliban is pushed into the plot once more, this time seeing him sacrifice himself in order to aid his friends one last time. Director James Mangold explains the reason behind why the character Caliban appears in both 'Logan' and 'X-Men: Apocalypse'. Caliban had previously appeared in X-Men: Apocalypse played by Tómas Lemarquis (Snowpiercer), but that version seems to have little to do with Logan's take. In Mangold's film, he's played by Stephen Merchant, co-creator of The Office UK and as an actor is best known for comic roles.

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