The High dam also has 12 Francis turbines, with a capacity of 2,100 MW to supply electricity for industrial and household use. The Aswan Dam is located in Egypt and it crosses the River Nile, the longest river in the world. The dam is also called Saad el Aali in Arabic.

In the 1950s, the Egyptian leader Gamal Abdel Nasser proposed building a new dam, one that was large enough to end flooding. During the construction process of the Aswan Dam, more than 90,000 Nubians were relocated as far as 45 kilometers away from their homes. Why was the Aswan Dam built? It required some 44 million cubic meters of building materials and a workforce of about 34,000 people to be built. Before the building of a dam at Aswan, Egypt experienced annual floods from the Nile River that deposited four million tons of nutrient-rich sediment which enabled agricultural production. The dam took 11 years to construct and was finally completed in 1902. This process began millions of years before Egyptian civilization began in the Nile River valley and continued until the first dam at Aswan was built in 1889.

Nile crocodiles who eat fish could deviate from the menu to eat humans. Construction for the project began in 1960 and was completed in 1968. It took 10 years to build the dam and work was completed in 1970. The History of the High Dam . The hippopotamus is native to the area and may have been worshipped by the ancient Egyptian cultures.

The total investment for constructing the dam reached $1bn. Even today, about 200 deaths each year are attributed to these animals. It was officially inaugurated in 1971. Before the Aswan High Dam was built, people working in marine professions around the world were faced with daunting wildlife problems. The first dam provided valuable irrigation during droughts but could not prevent the annual flood from the River Nile. Aswan High Dam is a rock-fill dam located at the northern border between Egypt and Sudan.

The dam is fed by the River Nile and the reservoir forms Lake Nasser.

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