Botryosphaeria dothidea (fungus) Hosts. Cankers begin as small sunken areas and increase slowly in size. Western redbuds have a lifespan of 40 to 150 years, but Eastern redbuds are short lived and rarely survive 30 … 4. Botryosphaeria Canker and Dieback of Trees and Shrubs in the Landscape. 2. Oak, crabapple, sweetgum, dogwood, elm, and redbud lead the list at our clinic. Leaves on affected branches wilt as affected branches die. They generally grow as a small tree with a divided trunk close to the ground.

One common canker diseases is Botryosphaeria canker.

(Photos by E. A. Bush and M. A. Hansen, respectively) 1a 1b. Figures 1a and 1b. One common variety in the U.S. is the eastern redbud (Cercis canadensis), thriving in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 4b through 9a. The wood will be discolored to a brown or reddish-brown under the bark of the affected area.

The canker girdles the stem and the leaves above wilt and die. Many woody plants, including redbud, rhododendron, crabapples and dogwoods. Redbuds growing in the sun will be compact and rounded; when grown in shade, their form is loose, open and tall. I found a canker on a Redbud. Botryosphaeria canker. If the canker itself goes unnoticed, the newest leaves are usually the first clue to a problem. The western redbud (Cercis occidentalis) grows in USDA zones 7 to 9. Redbuds (Cercis spp.) 5. We see it on a wide range of ornamental plants and fruit crops. Elizabeth A. Bush, Extension Plant Pathologist, School of Plant and Environmental Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Tech.

The canker or dieback is caused by a fungus (Botryosphaeria ribis) which attacks not only the redbud but more than fifty other types of trees and shrubs. are small spring-flowering trees, with numerous species and cultivars. As the canker girdles the stem, leaves begin to wilt, turn yellow, and then brown. Dead bark falls off the cankered area. Symptoms of Botryosphaeria dieback on rhododendron and redbud. Canker (fungus – Botryosphaeria dothidea): The most destructive disease of redbud. This is a part of our Stay Home in the Garden series during COVID-19. Canker in eastern redbud trees can be difficult to identify because the bark over the canker area often does not crack.


Redbuds always remain small, maturing at 20 to 30 feet in height and 15 to 35 feet in width. The fungus then enters the tree through wounds or dying branches. Prune and burn branches with visible cankers. Look for sunken areas at the base of the affected branches, where the branch joins the trunk. Use a sharp pocket knife to peel away a small segment of bark over the suspected area.

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