War is a necessary evil. D. ... Who were the aggressors in the war that is discussed in Zlata's Diary? ESTIMATES vary of the death toll in 13 months of civil war in what was Yugoslavia, but it certainly runs into many thousands, making the conflict the most violent in Europe since the Second World War. Bosnian Serbs were the aggressors in the war that is discussed in Zlata’s Diary. Most of “7,000 Muslim men and boys” allegedly murdered were soldiers of the localy-formed 28th division of the Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina under Naser Oric.They died both as soldiers and as war prisoners, they were killed in combat and others as revenge for Bosnian Serb victims. The number of 8,000 Muslim victims in Srebrenica is inflated. the aggressors were the belligerents thats fought during the war. The victims were the civilian population that did not fight. These were the Party of Democratic Action (SDA), led by Alija Izetbegović, the Serbian Democratic Party (SDS), led by Radovan Karadžić, and the Croatian Democratic Union of Bosnia and Herzegovina (HDZ BiH), led by Stjepan Kljuić. D. the capital of Bosnia. A. 4 In Serbia, many people deny war crimes imputed to Serbia or the Serb people. A. Bosnian Muslims B. Bosnian Croats C. Bosnian Serbs D. Bosnians of mixed heritage. It was written from 1991 to 1993 during the Bosnian war. Some public figures who are known for speaking openly about crimes committed by Serbs are labeled as a "traitors". This diary is a book by Zlata Filipović. C. Which statement describes Zlata Filipovic's perspective on war best? The policy of war crime denials is implemented through the Serbian educational system that teaches schoolchildren about crimes committed against Serbs, but not about crimes committed by Serbs. The only salient features about Bosnia-Herzegovina's past that appeared in the historical literature were mostly brief accounts of the Congress of Berlin in 1878 and, above all, the assassination of the Austrian archduke and archduchess in 1914 which triggered the First World War. Izetbegović was elected as the … The signatories were Radovan Karadzic for the Serbs (representing 31% of the population), Mate Boban for the Croats (14%) and Alija Izetbegovic for the Bosniaks (43%).

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