Major accidents involving dangerous chemicals pose a significant threat to humans and the environment. It was a One study from 2008 found that babies born to women living in the contaminated area at the time of the accident were about six times more likely to have altered thyroid function than other babies. La catastrophe de Seveso est une catastrophe écologique et sanitaire qui s'est produite en juillet 1976, dans le nord de l'Italie. The Seveso Directive - Technological Disaster Risk Reduction. The Seveso disaster was an industrial accident that took place on July 10 th, 1976, 20km north of Milan in Meda, in Italy at a chemical manufacturing facility. Un nuage d'herbicide contenant des produits toxiques s'échappe d'une usine chimique, et contamine les alentours, provoquant à la fois des hospitalisations pour les enfants des communes voisines, dont celle de Seveso, et la mort de plusieurs dizaines de milliers d'animaux d'élevage. Protecting the environment, health and our economy. There was an explosion at a chemical factory which released a lot of the toxic poison dioxin, TCDD, into the air. The cloud of poison gas covered an …

Additionally, a 2009 report found an increase in breast and lymphatic cancers in the area. Research into the long-term health effects of the Seveso disaster is ongoing. However, the use of large amounts of dangerous chemicals is unavoidable in some industry … The Seveso disaster was a chemical accident on 10 July 1976, at the small Italian town of Meda, 20 km from Milan in Lombardy. The accident resulted in exposing residents of the area to the highest amount of 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin on record. The plant, which was owned by the ICMESA (Industrie Chimiche Meda Società Azionaria) company, was itself a sub-subsidiary of the Roche Group. The nearby town of Seveso, located 15 miles from Milan, had some 17,000 inhabitants. However, other research … Cet accident industriel est d… Furthermore such accidents cause huge economic losses and disrupt sustainable growth.

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